About Us

Christ our Refuge is a church in Brisbane's Inner North that launched in 2023 as part of the new Anglican Diocese of the Southern Cross.

The Who, What, How, and Where of Christ our Refuge

Who are we? What are we doing? How are we doing it? Where is God taking us?

The answer to the first question is foundational to all that follows. Who we are and, more importantly, whose we are is critical in articulating our culture. Our culture is not only who we are now but an aspiration of who we want to be. This gospel culture determines the tone and character that underpins our mission, steps, and dream.

CULTURE: Who are we?

“We are gospel people.”

MISSION: What are we doing?

“Know Christ. Love the Church. Serve the City.”

STEPS: How are we doing it?

“Sundays. Daily Grace. Home Groups. Live Sent.”

DREAM: Where is God taking us?

“A city of refuge within the city of Brisbane”

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